With the advancement of technology now, prospective employees can look for job openings in various media provided. Both the media is a marketplace for employment or the official website of the company directly. Each media has advantages and disadvantages of each. However, when viewed from the company side, this process is a crucial stage. It is said so because if this process runs without careful planning, then the stakes are the existence of the company and the quality of the company’s production. Therefore, you also need to check the background of each candidate carefully, and you can use the police check online.

This is why the employee recruitment process needs to be done well and planned. In general terms, at least the company can take the following steps to get high-quality, high-value employees:

Identification of Manpower Needs

Before throwing vacancies into the labor market, companies must be able to identify precisely what kind of workforce is needed. The level of work, qualification requirements, capabilities and the number of employees needed must be identified properly so that the company understands what labor is needed at this time.


Armed with the right identification, then the company can prepare a recruitment plan for the workforce. Planning here means the number of workers, what media are used to reach the workforce, conditions, stages provided, and so forth. As the tactics of war, the recruitment strategy of labor must be very mature and measurable in order to be implemented according to company needs.


In the labor recruitment process, the search stage also becomes an important stage. As a visionary company, companies must be able to become ‘hunters’, not ‘collectors’. Such analogy is because as a ‘hunter’ the company will look for the best ‘prey’ of those already available. In contrast to ‘collectors’ who tend to take what is available in the labor market.

Identification of Potential Candidates

After getting a candidate that roughly meets the requirements, the company must then be able to identify which candidate is the most potential. This process will be much easier if the previous three stages can be done well and optimally. For this reason, the preparation that is truly based on actual data is urgently needed, along with the capabilities of the HR staff in carrying out each process.