Driving a vehicle requires proper coordination and concentration of attention from the driver. Alcohol consumption dramatically reduces this figure. As a result, cars have driven by drunk drivers sometimes become “weapons of mass destruction”. Therefore, the penalty for drunk driving continues to increase. A drunk driver driving risks not only parting with large sums of money to pay a fine but also losing his driver’s license, as well as being subject to criminal penalties. So call your DUI Lawyers Tampa if you are ever in this situation.
To be punished for drunk driving, there is no need to consume large amounts of alcohol. It often happens that the driver sits behind the wheel after taking a small, in his opinion, a dose of alcohol, and considers himself practically conscious, but breathalyzer tests show that the permissible norm is exceeded. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know for sure how much you can drink, so as not to be responsible for drunk driving.
Be clear: the driver can drink quite a lot. So, according to experts, it is permissible to take 15 g of vodka or a glass of light beer, but not right before the trip, but two or three hours before. If you intend to drive the next morning, you should also limit your alcohol consumption at night. Many drivers who have consumed alcohol hope the alcohol will “go away” soon. Indeed, over time, the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the body decreases. How could this happen?
There are several ways of removing alcohol from the human body:
through the skin as sweat;
through the kidneys in the form of urine;
through the lungs in exhaled air.
Drivers should be aware that the degree of “weathering” of alcohol can be very different, as it depends on the individual characteristics of each. Several factors are important: weight, age, health, and gender.