Watches are one of the mandatory accessories for men. It is a big sin in our opinion if this item is forgotten to wear. Why? Remember one thing, that men are very lacking in the category of accessories or jewelry. Very limited when compared to women. Therefore, men need to wear a watch as an accessory. Watch accessories are usually more expensive. Naturally, if this happened. Apart from functioning as a timepiece, the in men can also show character, identity, and social status. For example, what impression comes to your mind when someone in front of you is wearing a gold-plated watch?
Of course one would think, he was not someone of mediocre social status. Apart from that, let’s cover the other part. There are still many who don’t understand how to use a watch. Watches are made up of a variety of models and materials. There is a purpose in that. For example, a strap made of rubber is suitable for outdoor activities and sports. The rubber material does not easily absorb sweat which may cause your watch to smell.
So, for an easy way, please pay attention to the material of the watch strap. Is it made of canvas, leather, or stainless? Very obligatory for formal events. However, the unique thing is that this strap can be worn on formal or casual events. Only outdoor activities or sports are not good enough. Outdoor activities, sports, or sports require you to move freely and quickly. Stainless steel is less flexible, unlike rubber. The likelihood of injury, injury, and discomfort will be greater. It doesn’t matter if you already wear a watch coupled with other accessories, such as a bracelet on the same hand. If there are too many, it is not good for you to adhere to the simple style ideology. Using 1 to 2 bracelets with the watch together is more than enough.